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Rorek IronBlood
ZionTCD Legacy Rising
Posted - 2012.08.15 02:39:00 -
[1] - Quote
Hm. I have a lot of thoughts on the new build already. Some good, and some bad of course. So I'll start with the aesthetics, and superficial -- I really enjoy the new color pallets. It may just be me, but the colors seem different. infact the textures do too. They seem gritty, or pasty. Maybe a tad bit of both. I've noticed a lot appearence changes too though. From vehicle textures, to dropsuits. Like removing of the eyes on the Amarr heavy dropsuits. Which makes them look fiercer, and more intimadating. The scouts seem to pop, by which I mean they seem more abriviated, and defined. Not darker, and subdued. The assaults saw the minimalist of changes. Instead of a subdued faded blue, it's blackened, and more accented. The logistics do not look like glow sticks, but again they seem to just feel more there in persons. Infact I would say so for all dropsuits. The vehicles especially Caldari tanks they seem more detailed, and the new pallet of colors, and lighting seem to only display this. Now the MQ (Merc Quarters) is something to talk about. I'm loving the new MQ in which I received. However I have no idea if it is of Gallente origin, or Amarr. There is a lot of gloss though. Golden/brass gloss to be exact. Looks neat either way. Also a number of the weapon textures have been modified or changed as well. The shotgun now glows from the heat/power source which is a nice touch. I'm still getting used to the new build though.
Onto other subjects though. Lets talk about the hud (Head Up Display) and and UI (User Interface). I'm in love with the new hud, and defining objectives, and subjectives. Such as turrets, CRU (Clone Reanimation Unit), and other varying battlefield objects, and enemy support (as well). With that said though I feel it's a lot like a mixture of MAG, and Battlefield combined. Somewhere in the middle I suppose. Is this a bad thing? No, not really, and again I love it. It's very eye opening, and catching. However with the changing of the way skirmish is played (and subject now) I have to admit it can be a bit jarring. Infact I'd say the players abaility to both understand the game and play it properly has increased in difficulty somewhat. Especially for newer players. Not a bad thing, but depending on the direction CCP has chosen. Maybe. Though I find the new skirmish a lot more fun, if albeit more chaotic.
Now some of the more neutral areas. Price hikes, and SEC's. I find the price hikes for this build to be both a good and bad thing. While I am aggravated that my SMG which somehow seems useless at the moment in this build is now fifty thousand plus ISK, I find it to be balancing, and rewarding all at the same time. While I have not too much to complain I can be sure that a lot of players who are operators of vehicles or players whom rely say too much on proto gear are going absolutly batty (in a bad way) over the price hikes. I find it to be a good thing. It makes the sense of risk & reward feel that much more potent and apparent. It also helps to ensure that all forms of gear for any length of Dust514's life span will be not only useful, but absolult necessary. BPO's if kept regulated and subdued will be meaningful, and both militia and standard tech leveled equipment will become necessities if not detriment to all players good or bad. It may also prove that fostering of corporations or EVE Online relationships will become more meaningful too if done correctly. All-in-all this could be one the best things to happen to Dust514 in this build thus far -- pending patches, and updates. Server seperations though. I enjoy the new SEC seperation, but I find having to scroll down through what must be thirty servers to be a hassle. I feel we now need more then ever more filter options then just mercenary, and corporation battles. Also I must admit I am NOT in favor in single servers. Once a server is full it is full. Which is a bit annoying. Both because, of the que and because, I find having so many servers at the moment with no way to filter any of it to be detrimental, and a turn-off.
What I am unsure of though is the hit detection. Maybe I am rusty not having played Dust514 in a full week or so, but the hit detection seems off, or did CCP nerf some weapons? Even as a scout (granted low armor on my end) I found myself dying more frequently, but I found that the SMG seemed gimped?.. If I was standing directly ontop of you it felt like I was not hitting my openent at all. I'm just unsure. I do not want to start calling foul, or cry wolf, but it was annoying. I am hoping it was just the aggravating hit detection coupled with server stress lag from the new build. Another after thought I have been mulling over is the deadzone on the dualshock3 controller. Was it modified, or tweeked? It feels larger then in the last build, and I saw nothing stating such in the patch notes. Granted I could have missed it. The deadzone feels larger though, and has anyone noticed "motion blur" in this build? Again maybe it's just me. I have more to test before apointing my thoughts properly to the right forum sections.
Overall I find the new build acceptable, but given the in-game character animations and if I am correct tweeks? I feel that while the aesthetical, and cosmetic changes to be a move foward (especially to both HUD and UI); that (some) in-game mechanic changes are not a move foward or for the best of Dust514 and that of course is my opinion.
AV (Anti-vehicle) grenades. Is anyone else aware that it states they now only do a hundred and forty (140.0) damage? Is that an error on CCP's part, or a change done on purpose in reliance with the new seek & attach feature they added to AV grenades? Disturbing to say the least.
I hope by the weekend that the server stress will dissapate, and I also hope to refine my opinions with more play time. |

Rorek IronBlood
ZionTCD Legacy Rising
Posted - 2012.08.15 04:38:00 -
[2] - Quote
Hm. I have never played or tested the logistics suit, but if that is true in which they have a built-in "hacker" amplifier like the modules available for purchase I would not be angry to see that be true. Infact I feel it would very well help to promote the logistics, and those whom play as one. So long as it was not some twenty-five percent advantage. A build ten percent would not be bad (which I would hope would "not" stack against the others for a penalty.) |

Rorek IronBlood
ZionTCD Legacy Rising
Posted - 2012.08.15 18:23:00 -
[3] - Quote
Some of the biggest problems I have noticed recently within this new build is not so much having to do with the update, or the changes, but the "players" themselves. Sounds funny right? It is not I assure you. Granted I feel some of the worst problems post update happen to be some of simplest and dumbest choices made by CCP involving the servers themselves, and lack of proper filters, and security filters that actually function. The players I find though are degenerating back into their most basic of bad habbits. I've noticed for one reason or another that people have almost become afraid of confrontation, and seem to stay back at the fringers of the sides of the map, towers, or back of the map and snipe while they camp.
I know people are still complaining about the scout, and I can understand the frustration. However it is misplaced blame. Which leads me to some of the other problems at hand beyond the simple player problem, and bad habits, or even the server mess. Some of these problems happen to include server side stress, and lag. We all know the update a rather hefty update that was over two gigs in data. This can cause stress and lag. More so then what was already aparent. Hopefully by weekend this will lessen. However there are few more "mechanical" issues. Such as the deadzone, and motion blur which are adding to the misplaced anger. The scout granted is slim, small, and already rather annoying. I feel though paired with these underlying issues at the moment a number of people are misplacing their anger.
As for all of that? I think some people at the moment are over reacting. We need to really find what are the problems. Such as the AV (Anti-vehicle) grenades -- were they suppose to be nerfed down to a wimpy one hundred and forty (140.0) damage? Simply because, CCP gave added a limited radius "search & attach" features. I do not believe the AV grenade was suppose to be nerfed in damage. The issue of the new flux grenades not functioning properly. I have heard a small number of people actually mention both here on the forums and in-game not working, and simply becoming what someone said as another small rock within' the terrain. Vexing to be sure.
Among other known issues are those that were stated would be "rare" occurances, and unfortunetly as seen last night a rather large number of players alone from the community were experiencing such issues with installing the update, logging onto the game servers, and having stability issues with crashes in-game, and disconnects in-game. Those are some serious issues that will not only hinder people from playing this game, but turn players away from playing the game.
Now do not get me wrong. I still have a lot of postive notes to add to this game as I have already in a few previous posting. Nonetheless these some of the more overlooked issues that are vexing the people, and other issues which few seem unwanting to bring to attention. Atleast in a civil, and ration tone of voice.
Mulling over my thoughts though I think something that while is being adressed and should mention is the confusing UVT (Universal Voice Transmitter) which allows (I believe) players (Dusters) down here in Dus514 talk and communicate live with players (Capsuleers) from up above in EVE Online to talk with one another. However CCP is charging players in a rather odd way. Instead of finding a feesible small payment option players have to "purchase" augments using AUR in the forms of every day to every week. Which is harmful and costly to themselves and the players here in Dust514 and even mroe so for those players whom play Dust514 and are already paying for an EVE Online account. Granted that it was revealed that part of every EVE Online Capsuleers subscription was to pay for the third party company whom CCP contracted to handle the voice chat options. However the problem here is the lack of attention to those players divided and playing both EVE games and those of us here playing Dust514 and no proper communication. This is something which should have been talked about. CCP should have talked with us, and allowed us time to go over this all. As this is something I find will turn players off from playing, and walks the fine line of pay-to-win play which CCP promised would not be the case. While I feel that this is not the case, I find I can understand why and how players would think so. Iron Wolf Saber, has spoken up about this in a civil tone and thread already, but I felt it needed more proper adressing. Atleast from a slightly different stand point.
My personal thoughts? I can understand the need to charge a small preemium to use the third party contracted chat used by CCP. However they need to consider not charging using the current set-up for this preemium VC (Voice Chat) option, and find a way to create a minamilistic charge that fits the bill and does not use AUR. They also need to consider not charging players whom play both EVE Online -- whom are already paying that chat bill -- and also playing down here in Dust514. Because, that is going to be really harmful, and turn off players from coming to this game, and staying.
Anyway these are some of my concerns regarding the current update, and some of the most crucial and aparent problems needing to be adressed. Hoping to find other problems as I play, but they need to be real problems. Not something made up, or exaggerated. |

Rorek IronBlood
ZionTCD Legacy Rising
Posted - 2012.08.15 19:12:00 -
[4] - Quote
It's not a real problem. Just players degenerationg back to old, and bad habits. However the majority of us in some way knew to expect price hikes, and increaes to even our most basic builds. It was expected. Why people are now crying over it is beyond me. Granted I understand that some builds alone cost millions of ISK per life, or drop-in. This all a good thing though. Players can play as they want, but the game is not meant for players to camp the whole game for some fear of ISK costs. It's on the player to compensate that increase.
CCP wanted Dusters to have a real sense of -- "Risk & Reward" -- which are finally starting to see the outer layers of only now. Price hikes are only the first step. Soon the amount of ISK and SP (Skill Points) are going to deflate from their four hundred percent above normal state. If people are cying over this now, and only going to degenerate this bad I feel the point of Dust514 may have been lost before it was even realized, and finished. Which is a very sad state of affairs to be sure.
Anyway there are other problems abound out there at the moment. Players not grasping the reality or gravity of Dust514 and taking to bad habits out of fear or for other varying reasons is absurd, but understandable. I suppose. |

Rorek IronBlood
ZionTCD Legacy Rising
Posted - 2012.08.16 02:14:00 -
[5] - Quote
Well I would consider that more of this build is different then not. So you could very well say it's entirely different. Even the servers themselves are different as confirmed by, Wolfman, in one of my threads on the subject. I think build has a lot of potential and the only problem at the moment is that it's incomplete. Not because, it's a [beta], but because it is only a third of the full update. However that does not excuse all of the problems building and still currently hindering Dust514. Especially some of the most basic of game physics, and algorithims which make up the games backround and functioning laws. Which seem broken and/or malfunctioning.
I have hope they'll fix it, but if by the third update to this build and we do not see some more progress on the games governing laws I am unsure of the fate of Dust514 and it making upon release. |

Rorek IronBlood
ZionTCD Legacy Rising
Posted - 2012.08.16 12:47:00 -
[6] - Quote
You know what I find funny -- if not a tad sad -- that has gone unmentioned, and unspoken? Accumalative skill point acquisition. Meaning CCP in the tuesday update did infact turn (back) on automatic stationary skilling. Where one automatically acquires skill points whether logged onto the game or not. This was always brought up whether it would return or not, and when it would. I feel this is something overlooked. At the moment I believe the current ratio is one skill point every four seconds. Infact you can watch it climb in-game while you are in your skill sheet above in the UI (User Interface).
Just thought among all of the negativity that someone should mention a positive. Which this is. Let the math begin.
Twenty four hours in a day with sixty minutes in an hour, and sixty seconds in a minute. That would mean if I am correct in assuming it's one skill point every four seconds; that a player would obtain fifteen skill point a minute for a total of nine hundred skill points an hour. Grossing in mass total for the day (even while not playing) twenty-one thousand and six hundred skill points a day. Just for having a character on Dust514. Assuming I am correct that it is one skill point for every four seconds though. That is not bad at all.
I wonder how this will be affected though when CCP deflates the skill point acquisition from four hundred percent above normal back to it's base line? Will CCP have a new ratio for accumalative skill pointing? Will it stay at what it is now? Amazing to think about, no? |

Rorek IronBlood
ZionTCD Legacy Rising
Posted - 2012.08.16 18:12:00 -
[7] - Quote
I have heard the same informatoin from word of mouth in-game as well regarding the orbital strikes, but I have not called one in myself. I am too busy in-game taking objectives to be worried. I can see orbital strikes if regulated properly to breach choke points, or take down larger HAV (Heavy Attack Vehicle) which are charging the front lines. However while I enjoy the fact that you need war points to call them in; I believe it should also cost the user or team ISK off of their contract(s). With an added cool down period of course as well. This will help to ensure that when used they make an impact, but also are not abused.
As for the accumalative skill points last build. I do not believe it was functioning properly as many people brought it up and stated that it infact was "not" working during that build. Either way it is back, and working well. So no harm; no foul. At any rate though -- I am still interested in seeing how CCP takes to this after they decrease the acquisistion rate of skill points and ISK alike. Should be interesting. |